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March Newsletter

Taking time for you...

WOW...where did those first two months of 2017 go, here we are and it is already March. Life seems to pass us by at such a fast pace....We need to have some downtime. It's a challenge to let ourselves slow down. As Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, says, "We seem to have a complex about busyness in our culture. Most of us do have time in our days that we could devote to simple relaxation, but we convince ourselves that we don't." It seems there is always something that needs doing, always someone who needs our attention. "Unfortunately," Moore says, "we don't get a lot of support in this culture for doing nothing. If we aren't accomplishing something, we feel that we're wasting time." Many of us feel compelled to measure our success in terms of acquisition and accomplishment. But even women who are unwilling to buy into such a narrow definition of success may feel uncomfortable with the idea of claiming time just for themselves, with no agenda whatsoever. Often when we find ourselves with an empty hour, we spend that time doing chores or attending to our relationships. If no one's around, we'll reach for the phone—or the TV remote or even the vacuum cleaner. We avoid ourselves because we're afraid of what we might find: a forlorn, flawed someone who's missing out on life's party. But solitude and isolation do not go hand in hand. We can retreat from the world for a time without being renounced by it.

One of the many benefits of YOGA is that once we are on the mat we focus - on ourselves, on the act of breathing, looking inwards. Too often are our minds tuned to radio station NST (Non Stop Thinking) and as a result we miss the little things - things that matter and enhance our lives.

Lets make a commitment - time for you, time on the mat.


FREE classes starting on March 10th at 6.00 pm! These classes are going to run each class until May while I do my training in this exciting new form of YOGA being offered at Soma-Kai. It will be an opportunity to give feedback to me on class plans, your favorite things about the class and the music that is used. All ideas will be taken on board so that I can use that information to enhance the classes offered once we "go live" in May.

Classes commencing on May 6th will run for one hour and will be $10 per session.

For more information get in touch via the contact form on the web page!

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